Category: AWS


API with NestJS #100. The HTTPS protocol with Route 53 and AWS Certificate Manager

This entry is part 100 of 187 in the API with NestJS

In the latest articles, we deployed our NestJS application using AWS. However, we’ve been exclusively using the HTTP protocol so far. You probably noticed that almost every website nowadays uses HTTPS. And no wonder, because it solves a bunch of problems and makes surfing the internet more secure. In this article, we prepare our architecture […]


API with NestJS #98. Health checks with Terminus and Amazon ECS

This entry is part 98 of 187 in the API with NestJS

In one of the previous parts of this series, we learned how to use the Elastic Container Service to deploy multiple instances of our application. With this architecture, we maintain the target group, where each target is a single instance of our application. Thanks to that, the load balancer can route a particular API request to […]


API with NestJS #97. Introduction to managing logs with Amazon CloudWatch

This entry is part 97 of 187 in the API with NestJS

In this series, we’ve learned how to use the logger built into NestJS. In this article, we learn how to manage the logs our NestJS application produces using Amazon CloudWatch. In this article, we assume you’re familiar with deploying NestJS applications using Amazon Elastic Constainer Service. If you want to know more about this topic, […]


API with NestJS #95. CI/CD with Amazon ECS and GitHub Actions

This entry is part 95 of 187 in the API with NestJS

In the last two parts of this series, we’ve explained the details of manually deploying our NestJS application with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. It’s a great idea to go through the above process by hand to understand it fully. The next step is automating it by implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. In this article, […]


API with NestJS #93. Deploying a NestJS app with Amazon ECS and RDS

This entry is part 93 of 187 in the API with NestJS

In the last two parts of this series, we’ve dockerized our NestJS application. The next step is to learn how to deploy it. In this article, we push our Docker image to AWS and deploy it using the Elastic Container Service (ECS). Pushing our Docker image to AWS So far, we’ve built our Docker image locally. […]

AWS JavaScript

Introduction to AWS Lambda. Managing a contact form with Simple Email Service

The serverless approach to building applications is getting more and more popular. It might be appealing to write and deploy code without worrying about the infrastructure underneath. Serverless computing still involves servers. The provider takes care of their maintenance entirely, though. We write event-driven functions that contain business logic. The provider charges us solely based […]