API with NestJS #105. Implementing soft deletes with Prisma and middleware


This entry is part 105 of 187 in the API with NestJS

When developing our REST APIs, we often focus on implementing the four fundamental operations: creating, reading, updating, and deleting (CRUD). The most basic approach to removing a record from our database is to delete it permanently. In this article, we explore the idea of soft deletes that allow us to keep the removed entities in the database.

Explaining soft deletes

The most straightforward way of implementing the soft deletes feature is through a boolean flag.

By adding the line above, we add the column that has the value by default.

Whenever we want to remove a record in the table, we don’t have to delete it permanently. Instead, we change the value in the column to true.

The most important thing to understand about soft deletes is that they affect various queries we perform. Let’s try fetching a list of all the categories, for example.

The above query returns all categories, including the deleted ones. So, to fix this issue, we need to filter out the removed records.

Soft delete benefits

A significant benefit of soft deletes is that we can effortlessly restore the deleted record. This allows for a user experience far superior to restoring backups. For example, in our application, we can implement an undo button that changes the value in the column back to .

We can also take advantage of querying the deleted records from the database. They can prove to be helpful when generating various reports, for example.

Soft deletes can also be useful when dealing with relationships. For example, permanently deleting a record referenced in another table can cause a foreign constraint violation. This does not happen with soft deletes because we don’t remove the entities from the database.

Soft delete drawbacks

An important disadvantage of soft deletes is that we need to consider them in all related queries. Whenever we fetch our data and forget to filter by the column, we might show the user the data they shouldn’t have access to. Implementing filtering can also affect our performance.

Another important consideration is related to the unique constraint. Let’s look at the table we’ve defined in one of the previous parts of this series.


In our model, we require every email to be unique. When we delete a record permanently, we make the email available to other users. However, removing users through soft deletes does not make their email addresses available for reuse.

Implementing soft deletes with Prisma

The first step when implementing soft deletes is to add the appropriate column to our table. A common approach to soft deletes is storing the deletion date instead of a simple boolean flag.


Above, we’ve added the property, which is a timestamp with a timezone. We will assign it with value whenever we want to delete a record from our database.

If you want to know more about managing date and time with PostgreSQL, check out Managing date and time with PostgreSQL and TypeORM

Now, we need to generate our migration using the Prisma CLI.

Doing the above creates a new file in the directory.


The official Prisma documentation suggests implementing soft deletes with middleware. Let’s explain this concept first.

Middleware in Prisma

With middleware, we can perform an action before or after a query runs. To attach a middleware, we need to use the method. An appropriate place to do that is in our  class.


Above, we pass a callback to the method. Its first argument we call , contains available parameters, such as the performed action, the model, and the arguments. The second argument, called , is a function that calls the next action in the chain.

Middleware for deleting

To implement soft deletes with middleware, we need to modify the Prisma query every time a record of a particular type is deleted. We need to change a action into the action and provide the appropriate date.


If we also use the action, we need to handle it separately.

Thanks to the above middleware, every time we call the method, we perform the action under the hood instead.

Middleware for querying

Now we need to write a middleware that filters out removed categories whenever we fetch them. We need to handle fetching a single category and fetching multiple categories separately.


Thanks to the above approach, whenever we use the , , and actions, it filters our deleted categories under the hood.


An advantage of the above approach is that with correctly written middleware, we won’t forget to handle the column properly whenever we fetch or delete our entities.

However, this can make our code quite a bit messy. Instead of interacting with the categories table through the , we spread our business logic into unrelated parts of our application. It might also not be instantly apparent to our teammates that whenever they call the method, it runs the action under the hood.

The middleware approach might be suitable in less structured applications that don’t use the NestJS framework. However, in our case, we put the business logic related to categories in the . Therefore, it might make more sense to ditch middleware and implement soft deletes directly through our service for simplicity and readability. Nevertheless, it’s a very good example to learn how the middleware works in Prisma.

Series Navigation<< API with NestJS #104. Writing transactions with PrismaAPI with NestJS #106. Improving performance through indexes with Prisma >>
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1 year ago

Good afternoon Wanago, do you know how to use prisma extensions with nestjs since the $use method is deprecated

Issue https://github.com/prisma/prisma/issues/18628

Davi Alves
Davi Alves
1 year ago
Reply to  Claudio

Hi, this is a great point, in a new project that I’m using Prisma, the $use method is deprecated, a solution for this would be great

10 months ago

Another drawback of middleware is that it doesn’t apply to nested relations, therefore, implementing soft delete in each service is better now.