
Introduction to Redux Toolkit Query with TypeScript

The Redux team is working hard to create tools that are helpful in many real-life situations. For example, Redux Toolkit is a big step in simplifying how we write applications with Redux. Another helpful tool is the Redux Toolkit Query. Its primary sources of inspiration are the Apollo Client and React Query. The code we […]


Redux middleware and how to use it with WebSockets

Middleware is a great place to connect to WebSockets if you use Redux. This article explains what the Redux Middleware is and how to use it with WebSockets. In this blog, we also talk a lot about various backend technologies such as Express. One of the concepts popular there is middleware. In redux, it serves […]


API with NestJS #57. Composing classes with the mixin pattern

This entry is part 57 of 148 in the API with NestJS

Inheritance is one of the four pillars of object-oriented programming. JavaScript has the prototype-based inheritance, and with it, one object can acquire properties of another object. Even though JavaScript has the class keyword, it still uses prototypes under the hood. If you want to know to know more about prototypes, check out this article I wrote […]


Creating views with PostgreSQL and TypeORM

In PostgreSQL, views act as virtual tables. Although they have rows and columns, we can’t insert any data into them manually. Instead, PostgreSQL runs an underlying query when we refer to the view. Creating views with PostgreSQL Let’s create a table of users to use it in a view.

Now, let’s define a view […]


Defining generated columns with PostgreSQL and TypeORM

On this blog, we’ve covered a variety of different column types. So far, we’ve performed various operations on said columns such as and to modify the data directly. In this article, we cover generated columns that work differently. Generated columns in PostgreSQL We call the above columns generated because PostgreSQL automatically computes their data based […]


The basics of database normalization with TypeORM and PostgreSQL

Database normalization is a term often used when discussing database architecture design. Unfortunately, it is often presented with the use of complex definitions that make it difficult to grasp. In this article, we explain what normalization is and provide examples using TypeORM and PostgreSQL. Database normalization aims to improve the integrity and reduce the redundancy […]

JavaScript NestJS TypeScript

API with NestJS #56. Authorization with roles and claims

This entry is part 56 of 148 in the API with NestJS

So far, in this series, we’ve implemented authentication. By doing that, we can confirm that the users are who they claim to be. In this series, we explain how to implement authentication with JWT tokens or with server-side sessions. We also add two-factor authentication. While authorization might at first glance seem similar to authentication, it serves […]

JavaScript NestJS SQL TypeScript

API with NestJS #53. Implementing soft deletes with PostgreSQL and TypeORM

This entry is part 53 of 148 in the API with NestJS

In this series, we’ve implemented deleting functionalities for various entities. So far, it has always meant removing records permanently from our database. Instead, we can perform soft deletes. When we delete a record using a soft delete, we only mark it as deleted. You can find the code from this series in this repository. Soft […]