Series: JavaScript testing tutorial

JavaScript React Testing

JavaScript testing #16. Snapshot testing with React, Jest, and Vitest

This entry is part 16 of 18 in the JavaScript testing tutorial

Unit testing is handy for testing how our React components behave when the user interacts with them. However, this might not be enough. Besides testing the logic behind a particular component, we should also test if our user interface changes unexpectedly. We can use snapshot testing to detect unintended modifications to how our components render. Introduction to […]

JavaScript Testing

JavaScript testing #17. Introduction to End-to-End testing with Playwright

This entry is part 17 of 18 in the JavaScript testing tutorial

With End-to-End testing (E2E), we test a fully working application where different parts of our application work together in real-life scenarios from start to finish. The End-to-End tests might also act as regression tests that check if our latest changes haven’t broken any previous features. We might also use them as smoke tests that ensure […]


JavaScript testing #18. E2E Playwright tests for uploading and downloading files

This entry is part 18 of 18 in the JavaScript testing tutorial

Our applications sometimes include features that allow users to select files from their hard drives, and some functionalities might let users download files. Implementing End-to-End tests that ensure that everything works as expected might not seem straightforward at first. In this article, we create a simple React application that lets users choose a JSON file […]