Category: JavaScript

JavaScript Webpack

Webpack 4 course – part six. Increasing development experience

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the Webpack 4 course

Today we will cover the development value of the mode property. It will automatically set the webpack configuration for you to make the development easier. Aside from that, we will also cover the wepback-dev-server and webpack-serve – Hot Module Replacement included. Let’s go! Webpack 4 course: a development server A one step forward to a better development experience […]

JavaScript Webpack

Webpack 4 course – part three. Working with plugins

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the Webpack 4 course

Hello! Today we introduce the concept of plugins. They differ from loaders in a way that they can perform a wider range of tasks. Basically, they do anything else, that loaders can’t do. While loaders are tied to a certain type of files, plugins can be more generic. This time we will learn what purpose […]


Understanding events. Bubbling and capturing

JavaScript is a language, where events play a big role. In this article, we will talk about how they work. It includes different ways of listening to them and how they propagate. On the way we will cover some of mechanics from under the hood of JavaScript and browsers. We will also look a bit […]


Understanding memory management and the garbage collector.

In JavaScript, the memory taken by the values held by the variables is automatically freed when they are not used anymore. This is done by the garbage collector to free up space. How can we benefit from knowing how it works and therefore how to write better code? Let’s find out! Memory management In more classic […]


Cookies: explaining document.cookie and the Set-Cookie header.

In the previous article, we’ve talked about WebStorage API that you can nowadays use to store data in the browser. LocalStorage and sessionStorage were introduced in the HTML5. Does that mean that before we could not save data on the client side? Not at all – we’ve had (and still have) cookies. How to use […]