Category: JavaScript


Big O notation: Avoiding common performance pitfalls

Not every piece of code needs to be perfectly optimized. Over-focusing on performances can sometimes lead to code that’s unnecessarily complex and unreadable without real benefits. However, being aware of common performance pitfalls lets us navigate and avoid them effectively. What is performance? When we talk about performance, we’re referring to how efficiently a program […]


Web Scraping with Playwright

The internet has a ton of valuable data, but it’s not always easy to grab in a usable format. We can use web scraping to pull data from websites that don’t make it easy to download. This gives us a way to analyze our competitors, monitor prices, track trends, and more. In the previous article, we learned […]


Beginner’s guide to Web Scraping with Cheerio

The internet is filled with vast amounts of valuable data. However, much of the information isn’t available in a structured format we can download and use. To handle that, we can use web scraping. Web scraping is a process of extracting data from websites that don’t provide it in a structured format out of the […]


API with NestJS #161. Generated columns with the Drizzle ORM and PostgreSQL

This entry is part 161 of 187 in the API with NestJS

In SQL, generated columns automatically calculate their values using data from other fields in the same table. This can help ensure data consistency, improve query performance, and simplify our database design in general. The SQL standard contains two types of generated columns. Virtual generated columns With virtual generated columns, we avoid using additional disk storage. […]

JavaScript React Testing

Drag and Drop with React. Writing E2E tests using Playwright

Web applications are becoming increasingly complex. While that’s the case, we must ensure the interface is intuitive and easy to use. By allowing our users to drag and drop elements across the screen, we can simplify many tasks, such as reordering lists or grouping items. In this article, we learn how to implement the drag-and-drop […]