JavaScript design patterns #1. Singleton and the Module


While having a vibe of a mad genius might be tempting, reinventing the wheel is usually not the best way to approach designing your software. The chances are that somebody already had the same problem as you and solved it in a smart way. Such best practices, when formalized, are called design patterns. Today we look into their concept and inspect a singleton and a module.

What the design patterns are

We can treat design patterns as proven solutions that many developers tested in various real-life situations. They aim to support software designers in solving common problems in a readable and predictable way. If we base our application on proven patterns, we can worry less about the overall structure because they tend to encourage us to write our code in an organized way.

Looking into an already existing codebase that incorporates one of the design patterns might be easier than trying to understand an unfamiliar approach. They also act as a bridge between other developers and us. Using well-known strategies makes communication faster and easier.

The design patterns don’t act as exact solutions. They provide us with a scheme that we can adapt to suit our own needs. The fact that the patterns are not tied to a specific problem makes them very reusable. They are not associated with a particular programming language, but JavaScript has design patterns that are more popular than others.

You probably already use some of them. Common JavaScript solutions tend to have design patterns that feel adequate when implemented. React often incorporates the Higher-Order component pattern and the flux architecture. Angular applications seem to work well when implementing the observer design pattern.

The Singleton

We start with a design pattern called a singleton. It is one of the most well-known patterns, and therefore it is a good starting point. In its core, it restricts a class to have just one instance and ensures that it is globally accessible. It might come in handy when you need to manage something from across your whole application.

The term singleton comes from math and means a set with exactly one element

By design, singletons create an instance of a class if it does not yet exist. Otherwise, they return the reference to an existing instance.

Now, every time we call  , we get the same object.

The code above looks fine at first glance, but it has some issues. Nothing restricts us from calling the Singleton constructor directly. This is when the TypeScript might come in handy.

By making the Singleton constructor private, we can only call it from within the   function.

Another approach that we can take is to return an instance straight from within the constructor.

The above makes it a bit less transparent because someone might not be aware that the constructor returns the same object every time.

Singletons have a lot in common with global variables. This is also why they often are discouraged because they share their disadvantages as it might make your application less readable. Whether we consider singletons good or bad, they are one of the fundamental design patterns. Understanding them might one day come in handy. Even if you don’t decide to write them yourself, you might encounter them in some applications.

The module pattern

Another typical pattern found in JavaScript applications is the module design pattern. Separating the code of our app into modules plays a significant role in keeping our codebase neatly organized.

Some time ago, a popular approach would be to enclose a piece of code in an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). This is because all JavaScript files share the same scope.




The fact that defining something in one file pollutes the whole global scope is not a desirable situation. A common way to solve this was to introduce the module pattern by creating a function and immediately invoking it.



An important thing about the above approach is that if we define any variable inside the above module, it is not available outside of it.

We can also export the hello function by returning something from our Immediately Invoked Function Expression.



As the JavaScript language evolved, we found other ways to deal with the above issue. One of them are ES6 modules, where every module has its file. Modern browsers already support them. You can also use them with Webpack.

Node.js environment also provides its solution by implementing a module system called CommonJS. Let’s examine an odd piece of code:

It seems weird because the return statement can’t occur outside of a function. When we import such a file, Node.js wraps it in a function like this:

Thanks to the above, the module has its own scope, and the above code runs without errors.

If you want to know more, check out Node.js TypeScript #1. Modules, process arguments, basics of the File System


In this article, we’ve learned what a design pattern is. The first approaches that we’ve got to know are the singleton and the module. A point of the above article is also the fact that you are probably already using design patterns. It might be a good idea to go and learn more and expand our programming vocabulary. Thanks to that, we can come up with a solution to our problem faster. Also, it will probably be more efficient and readable.

Series NavigationJavaScript design patterns #2. Factories and their implementation in TypeScript >>
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Andrii Tynok
Andrii Tynok
5 years ago

It’s nice that you’ve shown how to implement these patterns, but it would be even better if you added some real life examples and cases of their implementation

5 years ago

Singleton – due to accessing global scope and hiding dependencies – is considered harmful and therefore it’s considered to be an anti-pattern.

Shahd Salama
Shahd Salama
5 years ago


Thanks so much for the article, it is really informative and to the point.

I am just wondering about implementing the singleton with the module pattern.

It just allows us to ONLY create one object of that module, Right?

Amusing that the above claim is right:

I see that I can still create multiple objects (not only one) even when I use the singleton pattern.

See the following code:

const helloModule = (function(){
function hello() {
console.log(‘Hello world!’);

return {

var x= Object.create(helloModule);

here x is another object from the module, so how come? even i am using singleton pattern.

Or is it just a reference to the helloModule constant object?

Please advice.